60th Birthday Slogans

I look 30, I feel 16, I act 14. That must make me 60.

You just got a whole decade more distinguished than a 50-year-old.

Life begins at 60.

In your 60’s, you get to be wise enough to know what is worth spending your time and energy to do. I hope it’s an amazing next decade.

60? it’s only a number.

Wishing you a happy and carefree 60th birthday. 

I am not 60. I am 18, with 42 years’ experience.

You are finally old enough to do all the stuff you wanted to do before you turn 70.

It took 60 years to look this good.

I am 60. What is your excuse?

Sixty! Aged to perfection.

This is my second time turning 30.

You are just the right age to be my favorite 60-year-old.

I am too sexy to be 60!

There are many advantages of being sixty. Ask any 80 year old.

Sixty, the new forty.

Sixty, damn, look so good.

60? not me. No way. Prove it!

I am 60 and I feel great. Feel for yourself.

60 years of magnificence.

So, you have been ruling the planet for 60 years, uh?

60 rocks!

You can go grey and know that it looks spectacular.

Don’t trust anyone under ’60s.

Looking 50 is great if you are sixty.

One starts to get young at the age of sixty and then it is too late.

I don’t think you will miss your 50s much with as much fun as we were planning to have during your 60s.

May your 60th birthday be as cool and wonderful as you are.

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