Food Bank & Food Drive Slogans

Share food, save lives

Stop hunger, start sharing!

Food for all

Food for everyone

Bread for every breath

Food for hungry souls

Feed the hungry souls

Stop talking, start sharing

Make a goal, fill everyone’s bowl

Together, we can feed everyone

Got food? Then share it with someone that doesn’t.

A handful of dough, a heart-full of hope

Help a dude with some food

Feed the Need

Sharing is caring

Got food? Can you donate?

Take a bite out of hunger

Halting hunger

Get in the mood to donate some food

Feed your friends

Do(nate) the right thing

Food for thought

What are you doing for others?

Festivals is the season of giving

No one can help everyone, but everyone can help someone

© 2022 A Collection of Slogans and Taglines